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This is a three pack of stories: The Book Club, The Book Club 2: The Journalist, The Book Club 3: The Gold Digger


The Book Club synopsis:


When Paul Delvay's writing career came to an end, he decided to put his giant woman fetish to use. Under the pen name Johnny Smalls, he cultivates a following of mostly women fans. One day, he receives an invite to join a book club in the town of Laurel Grove. He meets several southern belles who are genuinely turned on to meet an author with the same kinks. But what Paul doesn't realize is that these women are witches, and as he begins the reading of his book, his clothes begin to feel loose . . .

Contains: (Shrinking man)


The Book Club 2: The Journalist


When Paul Delvay goes missing in the quaint town of Laurel Grove, Jack is hired to investigate. He finds the McTeague manor and is invited in for tea and talk.

But it doesn’t take long before Jack starts asking the wrong questions. Now, he’s dwindling out of his clothes and the book club ladies are getting bigger and bigger. As they carry him up to the bedroom for a little fun, he starts to understand what happened to Paul . . .

Contains: (Shrinking man, magic/potion)


The Book Club 3: The Gold Digger


Hailey always knew Paul had money . . . When he goes missing inside the town of Laurel Grove, she pursues. She meets the locals and is amazed that everyone is so friendly and attractive. But what she doesn’t know is that they are witches, and that they’ve had a shrunken Paul for months. As Hailey enters their coven, she finds the same fate as everyone else who passes through Laurel Grove . . .

Contains: (shrinking woman, shrunken man)

The Book Club Trilogy

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